ABOUT. My name is Ivy, I'm 25 and live in the UK. This is a rp blog for my Star Wars multimuse featuring my own original characters. I do have many many blogs so might not always be active here, however that in no way means I'm ignoring you however, and if we're mutuals you can always be free to ask me for my discord!THIS BLOG & INTERACTIONS. This is a mutuals only rp blog for several characters of my own creation. I am semi selective in who i follow back, and it can take me a few days to follow back after checking out your info etc. The character's concepts and individual stories, along with their headcanons, are completely original, so please don’t steal them. I am not, of course, affiliated with any of the actors on this blog and the generic Star Wars lore is of course not my own.SHIPPING. I am open to shipping as long as our muses have chemistry and we click ooc. I do not ship with minors. I will not write smut for no other reason than I am just not comfortable with it. A fade to black is preferred if it is needed. Just a note: the majority of muses here will be quite hard to ship with, and romantic ships aren't my primary focus.OTHER. I am more than happy to interact with other ocs and multimuses as long as there is some sort of bio/dossier or muse page available to me.
Please reblog memes and gifsets from the source where possible.
PERSONALS. I do not follow back personals and I ask that you do not reblog/like my posts if we are not mutuals.

HATE & DRAMA. Hate is not tolerated on this blog. This is especially true for vague posting. Though I understand the need for it sometimes, please ensure it is tagged with a content warning.If there are multiple instances of untagged vague posting, I will unfollow for my own sanity. This also applies to character hate. We all have different opinions on characters, but please don't hate on a character for no real reason other than that you don't like them.TRIGGERS. Due to the nature of the characters on this blog, darker themes will be present. I tag all triggers with tw (trigger), if there is anything I haven't tagged that you'd like me to, please just let me know. In return, if you could please tag imagery and mentioned of both needles and drug use, along with any nsfw posts (including gifsets and images), thank you !CROSSOVERS & AUS. I am very crossover friendly, and will do my best to create a wide variety of verses for all my muses, so don't worry if you don't know my source material! I'm also more than happy to chat to you about the lore used for them!GRAPHICS. All icons are made by myself with a PSD and border from jaynedits. All edits and promo's are made by myself unless otherwise stated using the same PSD from jaynedits.OOC. I love to chat ooc, whether to plot or just general chatter, so please don't be scared to shoot me a message ! My discord is available on request from mutuals.

NOTE: please don't follow if you interact with scftheartiisms / meekmcuse / demurc. Thank you.















NAME: Darro Kesyk.
ALIAS: Keir, Knight, Weeping Wanderer, Master of Nightmares.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Caldai - Outer Reaches.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Con artist (former), Knight of Ren.
PARENTS: Kainu & Tiona Kesyk.
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 6 ft 2 inch.
HAIR: Brown.
BUILD: Muscular.
SCARS: Dark "tears" around his eyes, running down his cheeks.
FACECLAIM: Daniel Sharman

ABILITIES: Stronger than average force sensitivity, pick pocketing, hand to hand combat, weaponry skills, manipulation, piloting.FORCE ABILITIES: All the normal force uses, but can also read the surface fears of others, and can manipulate people's realities for short periods of time -- can make them see and believe things that are not really there.WEAPONS: double-bladed vibrosword, two single bladed vibrosword, two blaster pistols & various daggers.ARMOUR:

You are born to the planet of Caldai, a dessert mining planet full of cracked planes and dune fields. You grow up alongside the other children of the planet, taught the basics of life before the more important lessons begin - how to mine. How to be useful. But you are born with a secret. A secret that you learn through your teachers is an evil thing - a darkness, a void. You learn of the inanis and it's destructive nature at the age of five, you hear the story of your people - how they were almost wiped out from those who carried this same gift that you hide in your veins. Bad. Evil. Disgusting. And yet still it whispers to you, when the night falls and the chill sets in, it whispers to you. But you try as hard as you can to ignore the siren call of the void buried deep in you.You work in the mines when you become of age. Work, eat, rest, repeat. It's all you know, but how can you complain? Your parents love you, they tuck you into bed each night with the whispers of planets that you one day hope to visit. You survive, and you bury the inanis deep within. But it builds, and it grows, and it's voice grows louder and louder within your head. So loud, it's claws so deep in the flesh of your soul that you wish you could rip it out completely. You fear what you might become.You are fifteen when the day finally comes. When you can ignore it's call no longer. It's an accident, letting your guard down long enough for it to whisper in your ear. Long enough for you to listen and unleash it's destruction upon those who wished to bully you. You know the second you do it that it can never be undone. You know what will happen now.The planet of Caldai has a ritual, older than you, older even than your parents. One that is told to each child as soon as they can read and write. You know what is to happen as well as you know your own name, but you can do nothing to stop it. The whispers within you have stopped, and you feel cold without them. They take you at nightfall, after locking you away for the protection of the settlement. They tie you down, and they burn the tears into your skin. Penance for the tears and for the blood. Penance for the lives lost. Penance for the souls trapped.Your parents do not weep. No one weeps for you. You are an evil thing - an omen - something to be burned and thrown away. And throw you away they do, exiled from the only place you've called home. You almost beg for death, but when the brand touches your face, your screams come with a realisation. Perhaps it was not YOU that was evil, perhaps this thing within you had been trying to help you. This planet was too small for you, there was nothing for you here - certainly not any longer. And thus, with the pain of your punishment came the peace of realisation, of belonging, of a future outside of this choking planet.You do not say a word when they toss you onto a ship bound for the nearest planet, instead you plan. If they wanted you to be an evil thing, an omen, then that is exactly what you would become. You would make them regret the day they ever thought that a branding of tears could stop your destruction.As the years pass, you learn more about your abilities - the force, as it is called elsewhere. You shape it in your hands like a living thing, you bend it to your will. Eventually you find you can use it to bend the realities of other people. You can sense their fears, and you can use it against them. As a distraction, but most times as a way to gain their trust. See, the marks on your face earn you a reputation that the smile on your lips cannot live up to. You learn that it makes people uneasy, makes them more willing to please you, for fear of you snapping and turning on them within seconds.You travel across the galaxy thieving and forging relationships as you go. You never tell anyone your real name, though you eventually take on the name of Keir. You go on like this until you come across a group, they tell you they can feel your strength, they believe you could be an asset - that you could find somewhere to belong with them. You cannot deny the temptation of a family - but no one that fears you, but respects you. Understands you. You accept, you pay their bloody price, and you join them. Your particular skills making you a fearful adversary in battle, making the enemy see the things they fear the most, distracting them from the true battle.Your reputation and your connections also become an asset to the Knights of Ren, becoming a source of information for your comrades.

PRE MAIN: Set before Keir finds the Knights. He is travelling across the galaxy as a con man and thief, using his abilities on others.MAIN: Set during Keir's time with the Knights of Ren, under Kylo Ren's control and carrying out his will as and when required - though not always without question.MODERN: Similarly to her canon, Keir grows up in a very rural place that still believes in superstition and witchcraft. After he is accused and marked, then exiled, Keir uses his wits and charisma to con and trick other's across the world. Eventually he finds the Knights, a gang of people with stories similar to his own. The price of entry is just as bloody, but he's willing to pay it to live a better life.

FANTASY: Similar concept to Keir's canon, however it is a Prince that he finds and joins, carrying out their will as a trained Knight with the same abilities.MARVEL: Keir grows up in a rural place that was almost decimated by the underground organisation ( similar to HYDRA ) called ORION. They came looking for enhanced people, and almost destroyed their people in the search. Now its believed that anyone with such abilities are an omen that will bring ORION back. Thus the branding becomes a superstition. Once Keir's abilities are noticed, he is branded and sent away, growing up to become a thief, using his abilities to con others. Eventually ORION did find him, and he joined them willingly, paying their price and becoming an internal guard along with a tracker to find others like him.

NAME: Allura Sindel.
ALIAS: Ria, Lura.
AGE: 32.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Numidian Prime.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Smuggler / Rebel pilot.
PARENTS: Sera Dyarron & Kuna Sindel.
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 5 inch.
HAIR: Dark Brown.
BUILD: Slim and muscular.
FACECLAIM: Gemma Arterton.

ABILITIES: Force sensitivity ( verse dependant. ), pick pocketing, manipulation, above average skills in piloting, hand to hand combat ( light ), weapon skills.
WEAPONS: Various knives / daggers, dual blasters at her hips.
Ship model: XS Stock Light Freighter manufactured by the corellian engineering corporation. Two engine units. A heavily armored hull with aft ( duralloy panels )
Armament: Two dorsal laser canons, two port side laser canons, proton torpedo launcher.

Your mother, Hela Dyarron, was a well known smuggler and thief, taught by some of the best the galaxy had to offer. Wanted across the galaxy for several crimes, but escaping and evading capture every time anyone got close to getting their hands on her. That was until she was sent to Kessel to steal and then smuggle out Coaxium. She targeted a minor in her scheme, hoping he would help in her task - what she did not plan on was falling in love with him. But the unexpected always had a way of creeping up upon Hela Dyarron, and thus she fell pregnant not long after meeting the handsome minor known as Kuna Sindel.As a well known criminal, they knew they could not stay on Kessel. And so they took her ship to the criminal hideout known as Numidian Prime, hiding there for the duration of Hela's pregnancy. However, Numidian was no place to raise a child, and thus they found themselves settling on Rishi. And you found yourself a loving home.You are ten years old when there is a raid on the refinery your father worked for. You are ten years old when your mother is left little choice but to return to the life she swore to leave behind forever the moment you were brought into this world. But she teaches you everything she knows of the smuggling life, teaches you how to survive and eventually how to pilot a ship. You are a natural born flier, and soon you become the designated pilot onboard The Tempest.Ten more years pass and you pick up many skills, both from your mother and the crews that pass through the halls of The Tempest. Ten years pass before the unexpected creeps up on Hela Dyarron once more - only this time in the form of a illness that only grew worse and worse. Filled with worry and panic, you take your mother back to Rishi and you try everything you can to help cure her ailment. It is here that you learn of the rebellion building, with rebel camps close by. Your mother taught you the art of listening in without being caught, and listen you do.You do not act on the whispers of rebellion, not yet, your every thought consumed by the paralysing fear that soon you may be alone in this galaxy with no one to call family. You stay with your mother until she passes to the next life, and it is only then that you make your decision. You will find this rebellion, and you will make your mother proud.Seeking out a few rebels that remained on Rishi, you offered your assistance. It takes some convincing, but eventually they allow you to join, your skills as a pilot, but also as a smuggler invaluable to the resistance effort.

PRE MAIN: Set before Alluria finds the rebellion. She is smuggling and thieving with her mother onboard their ship, The Tempest.MAIN: Set during Alluria's time with the rebellion, working as a rebel pilot but also as an information gatherer thanks to the connections both she and her mother had.FORCE SENSITIVE: alluria has been on both sides of the fight and she knows that neither side can call themselves pure -both causing chaos and destruction. she knows both light and dark exists in everyone, but she does not understand the reason why she knows this so well. does not understand why she seems to know where she is going without a map or compass. not until she finds a saber in a wreckage and it calls to her.

ORIGINALS: Everything is the same, however Alluria becomes a pilot within the Rebellion.MODERN: Set during modern times. Follows canon events except her father is killed by a CEO wanting to keep the conditions of it's workers under wraps. Her mother is then forced to raise her in a life of crime, as she'd once been one of the best con women out there. When her mother dies, Alluria follows in her footsteps.MARVEL: To be added.FANTASY: To be added.

NAME: Princess Elora Solenne Vane.
ALIAS: El. ( family & close friends only )
AGE: 26.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Princess of Ventria.
PARENTS: King Tannis Vane & Queen Leena Vane.
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 2 inch.
HAIR: Blonde, waist length.
BUILD: Slim.
FACECLAIM: Amanda Seyfried.

ABILITIES: manipulation, deceit, hand to hand combat ( light ), weapon skills ( light ).
WEAPONS: Various knives / daggers, dual blasters at her hips.
Elora has grown up with the values and ideals of the First Order drilled into her mind. Though she might not agree with some of their methods, she believes herself to be sympathetic to their cause.
She is incredibly devious and manipulative when she needs to be, and is an exceptionally good liar.

The planet of Ventria has been aligned with the First Order and their predecessors for many many years, providing them essential trade and materials for their ships and weapons. In return, they receive protection and profit from the allies of the First Order. The thriving capital city of their planet quickly became a hub for those of less reputable stations, especially those also an ally of the First Order.As the Princess of Ventria, you have grown up both around the violence that followed the First Order like a dark cloud, and the pressure of being the only heir to the throne. You become accustomed from a young age to the horrors that came with being aligned with the First Order, and you force your skin to grow thicker, and your heart to harden. You knew you would not survive if you did not, and despite not yet knowing or understanding the methods and ideals of the Order, you still become sympathetic to their cause.It is when you grow older, when you are able to better understand what was happening around you, that a seed of doubt begins to grow within you. Hearing stories of the atrocities committed by the very people you have pledged your loyalty to in the name of war. In the name of power. The suffering of people not far from your own planet. It is enough to strike a match of uncertainty within the heart you were certain had turned to stone. You no longer knew what to believe, nor which side of this war you wished for you and your people to be on.Your parents try to keep you away from it all, despite your position as rightful heir to their throne one day. And so you find ways around their leash. Sneaking through the palace halls, finds ways to listen in on their meetings that they wished to keep you away from. And you did it all with a practiced smile upon your lips and an innocence in your gaze that would forgive you of any perceived wrongdoings should you be caught somewhere you should not be.You learn that the best source of information is people, and thus you grow to become incredibly good at bending them to your will without them even suspecting of you motives. Strangers and friends alike, manipulating and lying to find out the information you need that might help you in making the right choice for both you, your people and your kingdom. You knew that if the stories were true, the First Order could easily turn their weapons to your shores and wipe your planet from the skies, and it is this fear and knowledge that keeps you going.

PRE MAIN: To be added.MAIN: Elora is the Princess of Ventria, trying her best to figure out her allegiances in a time of war across the galaxy.MODERN: Ventria is a small Kingdom surrounded by ocean.

FANTASY: To be added.MARVEL: To be added.

NAME: Jessamine Ashlynn Kordall.
ALIAS: Jess ( well known ), Sami ( friends only ), Paladin.
AGE: 40.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Jedi Knight ( former ), Jedi in hiding ( current )
PARENTS: Ashlynn Littelli and Daymar Kordall.
SIBLINGS: Janix Daymar Kordall ( brother - deceased ).
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 8 inch.
HAIR: Brown, chest length.
BUILD: Toned and muscular.
FACECLAIM: Rosamund Pike.

IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS: Avin ( former master ), Ryna ( former padawan ) - written by belle @starlightfreed.ABILITIES: Strong force abilities, trained in Teräs Käsi and Stava. Advanced knowledge of guerrilla warfare, urban tactics, espionage, and infiltration. Above average piloting skills, experienced in most weapons.
LANGUAGES KNOWN: Basic, Binary, Cheunh, Durese, Huttese, Shyriiwook.
WEAPONS: Silver bladed lightsaber, spinsticks, various knives / daggers, dual blasters at her hips, energy bow.

Born on the backwater planet of Vont, you grow up upon your family's farm with your twin brother: Janix. You're only a toddler when you recognise a strange sense inside you - a feeling you don't yet understand, but one you wish to explore despite your young age. You show your brother what you have learned of the sense within you and he copies you perfectly - both of you connected to this force. Your parents know little of what is happening to their precious children, thus they call upon an old friend by the name of Avin. He explains to your parents that you and your brother are displaying a connection to what is known as the force - the very thing that connects all life within the galaxy, and you and your brother can touch it, mould it, change it. He explains to them the risk of allowing such a thing to grow within their children unchecked, how dangerous it will become - not just for them, but for the entirety of the planet. He says, he too has this connection with the force, only he has learnt to harness it. And so he gives your parents a choice; allow him to teach you and your brother the ways of the Jedi away at the Jedi temple, or let them keep you both and risk the lives of everyone around them. At the time, you do not understand what it means when your parents allow him to take you to the temple - but now you understand.For years he trains you and your brother in the ways of the Jedi. You are allowed little to no communication with your family, but you do not rebel: you understand why it must be this way. You concentrate on your teachings, but you never lose the curiosity imbued within you since you were merely a toddler. You ask questions that you know you shouldn't, you question your learnings when they do not feel wholly right to you. Your brother finds it much easier to comply, though you both show an equal amount of strength in both mind and body. The perfect equals, the perfect balance to one another. Avin was concerned that this may spark a rivalry between you, but you knew better; knew you would rather die than lose your brother to such a ridiculous struggle of power. Thus you both were allowed to keep this one attachment, Avin hoping that it would not become your downfall.How wrong he was.You are both eighteen when it happens. When your life shatters before your very gaze. You had insisted that you and your brother be allowed to return home for the first time in years - both of you newly trained with the lightsaber that weighed heavy against your hip ( yours silver, his a vibrant blue. ) You will regret insisting upon such things until your dying day. When you arrive, chaos has struck your farming village, smoke of the fires filling your lungs and the screams of those inside reverberating through your mind. The three of you jump into action, using your training to help others whilst you desperately searched for your parents. A raid, it seemed. Your resources were well sought after amongst your neighbours, and it seemed they had decided to simply take it rather than pay. Both of you thought they'd be gone by now, but you were wrong. It is your brother who finds them, too many of them. Overwhelmed despite the force that ran through his veins - he could not fight them off, and you were too late to help him. Too late to help any of them. You cannot help the rage and the hatred that burns your blood - Avin feels it too. He tries to calm you, despite the pain of your brother's loss still clinging to your bones. Despite the blood and the ash coating your hands.Despite your anger and your grief, still you try. You renounce all attachments, knowing now why the Jedi forbid them; knowing you could not survive the death of any others you love. But the galaxy does not allow you this reprieve, war breaking out and your talents are required upon the front lines; utilising your grief to become one of the most feared Jedi upon the battlefield. Your talents are recognised by the council, assigning you a padawan to teach your ways. Fighting alongside clone troopers to attempt to free the galaxy from the plague that was the separatist droids. But then there comes a day when those you trusted with your life turned against you and your padawan; separating the two of you with the intention of slaying you both. You feel it. The lives lost, the people you loved once more slain; only this time by those you had fought beside. You barely escaped with your life, unable to find your padawan without risking your life completely.You escape to Vont, exile yourself from everyone you knew. Your family had long since passed, you were alone completely; consumed by your grief and your anger until the day your brother's ghost visited you within your dreams, pulling you from the suffocating grip of your failure. He told you there were others out there, and that if you were to only search carefully for them, you might find others like you that require your help. Of course you had to be careful, but his forgiveness cleared your senses. You learnt new skills, stopped relying on the weapon that grew ever heavier at your hip. You operate from the shadows, only helping in the right conditions when you were needed most. When the whispers of a rebellion reach you, there is no decision to be made. You seek them out, pledge yourself to rebuilding the order to the galaxy.

PRE MAIN: Set before Jessamine finds the Grey Paladins. She is being trained in secret, alongside her twin brother, by the Jedi Avin upon the planet Vont.MAIN: Jessamine is a member of the Grey Paladins, slowly coming out of hiding as the plot of the sequels begins.MODERN: To be added.

FANTASY: Jessamine and her twin brother Janix were being trained as Druids with their abilities until tragedy struck their village and Janix was killed by raiders. Jessamine leaves with the Druid training her, eventually taking on her own trainee, though they get separated after Druid's began to be hunted. Jessamine wanders for a time before finding the feared group known as the Grey Druids.MARVEL: To be added.

NAME: Lumiya Reina Baize.
ALIAS: Lumi, Knight.
AGE: 25.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Avidich, Unknown Regions.
PARENTS: Drinna and Rasidol Baize ( deceased )
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 5 inch.
HAIR: Blonde, shoulder length.
BUILD: Muscular.
SCARS: Thin, jagged scar just missing her left eye.
FACECLAIM: Maika Monroe.

ABILITIES: Mild force sensitivity, pick pocketing, hand to hand combat, manipulation, above average survival skills, navigational skills and piloting.
WEAPONS: Proficient and highly skilled with her double throwing vibroaxes, blaster pistol & various daggers.

You don't remember your parents any longer, a glimmer of a smile perhaps, a distant scent of lavender that you assume must have been your mother. But the harshness of your life now has fragmented anything you might remember of the before. Before you knew the pain of hunger, before you became acquainted with the sensation of your breath freezing as it leaves your lips.You've lived upon the streets of Avidich since you were eleven years old, hardened now to the ways you've had to change to survive. Pickpocketing from any travellers unaware of the desperation found within the streets of your city, selling the wares for enough credits to eat. And when that failed you stole food too. It's in learning to steal that you learnt of your abilities; they call it the force, or the shadow, to you it's hope.You're fourteen when you're found, though he likes to think that he saved you. They'd caught you stealing, but you'd figured out how to use the force to trick others into helping you, but you're stopped before you're able to. A hand at your arm, a man offering to pay your debt. -- Talyk, he said his name was. Your so called "saviour" did not have a home either, but they were far more equipped to live this way. Talyk taught you to fight without relying on your abilities, starting with hand to hand before working you up to using actual weapons. It's here you touch a throwing axe for the first time, your fingers curling around the handle as though they'd been made for one another. Sometimes your weapon chooses you. he tells you, but perhaps you chose each other. It is here you earn yourself your scar, and it is here that your faith in Talyk begins to degrade.In return for all Talyk was teaching you, he forced you to supress your connection to the force. He recognised the path you were on, had heard stories of Jedi's - Talyk told you that using the force how you were was a journey that would only lead you to darkness. You couldn't help but wonder: would darkness really be so different? So bad? The force was all you had left that was truly your own, but he told you that it was for your own safety. That if the Grysk knew of your existence, they would take you and use you for their own gain for the rest of your life.
You tried to push the connection away, to untether yourself from the pull, but it only bubbled inside you. Whispering to you, telling you that your mentor was jealous of your power; that they wanted to use you themselves. Perhaps he didn't care about you like you thought he did. If he did, why would he cut you off from your hope? Could a life with the Grysk truly be worse than the one you had now?
By the time the Knights of Ren passed through your planet, you'd grown angry and spiteful. Not just towards your mentor but the planet and the people upon it. None of them wanted to help, none of them cared. They didn't deserve your love, nor your loyalty. No one did.
You'd heard stories of the Knights of Ren, knew of the steep cost to join their ranks. But they also were perhaps the only people in the galaxy that might understand you. They too knew what it felt like to be pulled towards the darkest of shadows, they could be your new family - one who would not hinder you.
And so, when the Knights blazed through your city, you stood before them at the age of seventeen telling them you wished to pledge yourself to them, no matter the cost. It was with the blood of your mentor on your hands that you became a part of their ranks. You did not hesitate, nor did you apologise. They deserved their death for everything they'd deprived you of.You have been with the Knights ever since, growing and bettering yourself with them. Participating in their chaos and destruction without complaint or question.
And when Kylo Ren defeated your leader, you did not hesitate in pledging yourself to his service. This was your family, and the fight had been fair and equal. You do not consider Kylo Ren your leader, however, just as you did not consider Ren your leader.
You and the rest of the Knight's continue in your reign of terror and chaos as Kylo Ren trains to hone his force abilities -- a choice you do not agree with. The Shadow lives in you all and you allow it to do as it pleases, it is not something to be tamed; just as you are not something to be tamed. You remain upon the Night Buzzard, though when Kylo Ren summons the Knights after the murder of Snoke, you heed his call and you assist in his plans. However you resent his self-given title as "Master of the Knights" -- no one was your master. You belonged to no one but yourself, thus was the point of the Knights.And when Kylo Ren falls upon the surface of Exegol, you do not join your brethren in fighting him for you have never been loyal to Palpatine nor to Kylo Ren. You care little of his breaking of his oath, instead pleased to be free of the leash ever tightening around your neck. After the fall of Kylo Ren, you return to retrieve The Ren ( the lightsaber used by the original Ren ), and you vow to rebuild the Knights -- to return to your true destructive nature.

PRE MAIN: Set before Lumiya finds the Knights. She is living on the streets of Avidich with Talyk, her mentor. Her time with the Knights before Kylo Ren takes over is also included in this verse.MAIN: Set during her time with the Knights of Ren, under Kylo Ren's control and carrying out his will as and when required and without question.POST: Set after the fall of Kylo Ren -- Lumiya is now in possession of the saber known as The Ren, and is rebuilding the Knights.FANTASTY: Similar concept to her canon, however it is a Prince that she finds and pledges herself to, carrying out their will as a trained Knight.

MODERN: Lumi grows up without a home, living rough on the streets. She's taken under the wing of an older man, though she grows to resent him for her life. Eventually she finds the Knights, a gang of people just like her. The price of entry is just as bloody, but she's willing to pay it to live a better life.MARVEL: Lumiya lives on the streets, her mentor attempting to keep her from the clutches of ORION - an underground organisation similar to HYDRA. She still has mild mind altering abilities ( similar to how the force works ). She ends up willingly joining ORION, who test her willingness to comply by ordering her to cut all ties with her previous life. She does this by killing her mentor, thus becoming an internal guard and later a tracker to find others like her.

NAME: Adonis - Leander Roma.
ALIAS: Pluto.
AGE: 24.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Cantina singer, waiter, barman.
SIBLING(S): Cherry Roma. (written by Belle @starlightfreed)
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 10 inch.
HAIR: Brown, short, messy.
BUILD: Muscular.
SCARS: tba.
FACECLAIM: Froy Gutierrez.

SKILLS: Guitar (electric & accoustic), keyboard, piano, singing, music writing, moderate cooking abilities, tailoring, some self defence ability.
WEAPONS: Knows how to use a blaster but prefers to stay out of a fight if possible.
- No one but his sister and his parents know his real name.
- He gained the nickname Pluto as his sister would read him books on old solar systems as a child.
- Has in interest in ancient myths from old galaxies thanks to his parent's obsession.

You're born into a family drowning beneath the weight of your parents debts, your sister ultimately becoming your primary carer whilst your mother and father were out doing whatever it is that they did. She takes care of you, learning to cook to ensure the two of you always had something to eat; it wasn't always extravagant but you knew it was full of love. Whilst you were young, you bestowed her with the nickname cherry as her full name, Persephone, was too difficult for you to pronounce. Your own nickname, pluto, comes from the stories your sister would tell you of older solar systems, latching onto the small planet and the name stuck.As you grew older, you discovered your fathers long since forgotten guitar shoved in the back of a closet you had been cleaning out; looking for items that you might be able to sell for some spare credits. However, you didn't have it in your to sell the instrument, taking it upon yourself to instead learn how to play it and thus discovering the natural talent you had for creating music. The older you got, the more you wished to put this skill to good use. Whilst your sister worked hard at her several jobs, you took up busking in the busy and dangerous streets of your home; hoping to earn a bit of spare cash alongside the several other jobs you were working. You pool your money together with cherry, and eventually the day comes where you both are able to pay the final instalment towards your parent's debts. With nothing left to pay, you both decide to leave together; never looking back.Now it is just the two of you, able to live your lives for yourselves for once without the burden of your parents finances.Cherry takes on a cooking job at a cantina, and you are allowed to play sets there, as well as working the bar and the floor. The owner, roma, takes you both under his wing; without a family of his own, you and your sister becoming pseudo children to him. When roma begins to grow older, unable to do as much around the cantina, both you and your sister take on more of the responsibilities for the place, refusing to allow it to go under even when he becomes bedridden. You have never been sadder than you were when he eventually took his last breath, both of you at his side for every moment you were able; both shocked when you learn he had left the business in the incredibly capable hands of your sister so that it would continue to thrive even without him there to see it.And so you both work hard to ensure his vision is fulfilled, wanting nothing more than to make him proud. He had been more of a parent to the both of you than your own ever had, so much so that you and cherry even end up taking his family name as your own.

PRE MAIN: tba.MAIN: Pluto works at the Roma Cantina, taking on several roles wherever he's needed, and he's often allowed to play sets to those drinking or eating there. His sister, Cherry, mostly runs the establishment and Pluto does everything he can to help out.MODERN: Pluto works at the Roma Café, taking on several roles wherever he's needed, and he's often allowed to play sets to those drinking or eating there. His sister, Cherry, mostly runs the establishment and Pluto does everything he can to help out.FORCE SENSITIVE: tba.


NAME: Crix Javik.
AGE: 45.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Knight of Ren spokesperson.
PARENTS: Kodo & Mina Javik.
SEXUALTIY: Bisexual.
HEIGHT: 6 ft 2 inch.
HAIR: Brown, almost black. Medium length, messy & wavy.
BUILD: Muscular.
SCARS: Whole torso is scarred from burns. Left arm is a mechno-arm.
FACECLAIM: Santiago Cabrera.

SKILLS: Strong force sensitivity - strong with force abilities such as telekinesis. Hand to hand combat, lightsaber combat, manipulation, deception, above average survival skills, navigational skills and piloting.
WEAPONS: The Ren ( red bladed lightsaber ), blasters, vibrosword.

Information to be added.

PRE MAIN: tba.MAIN: Ren is travelling with the Knights, taking on jobs - for a price of course. He is the spokesperson for the group.POST: Ren survived the attack from Kylo, but stayed in hiding after the Knights left him there. He is travelling alone, keeping under the radar from Snoke and Kylo, biding his time until he can reclaim his legacy.MODERN: tba.